Building Connections between contacts and business. Amazing Mobile App!


We always struggle with this long contact list on our smartphones and rarely are we able to leverage it. Especially people in sales. They end up saving so many contacts and later either not able to recall or are always reacting to a sales opportunity instead of nurturing them over a period of time.

As people engaged in business, what do we primarily need:

  1. Ability to tag notes with the contacts
  2. Segregate contacts as friends, family, vendors/suppliers, potential customers and customers. Probably not just segregate but also send messages as a group to them as and when required.
  3. Share contacts with team members with the above two nuggets

Trust me, all this is present in Connections. It’s unbelievable and once you get used to it you will even loving it more. It can really transform the way you save, share, and connect with your contacts.

Here’s a quick preview:

  • Save the contact


  • Notes and Reminders


  • Notes on Incoming Calls


It’s a boon to small businesses or people running customer facing teams. Is it not?

Do send in your feedback at

Sunny Sharma
Cloud Evangelist