5 Surprising Mobile Search Statistics and Facts

There’s a revolution taking place – a mobile one.

Today, everyone knows and understands that people continue to be more reliant on mobile devices for their immediate needs now more than ever. Mobile search is even expected to overtake desktop search in volume within the next year.

It’s immediately clear that mobile search is fast growing in popularity and value.

But how much?

5 Mobile Search Statistics and Facts

Google Conducts 30 Million Click-to-Calls Per Month

Click-to-call is among one of Google’s new or improved ad extensions, letting advertisers attach clickable “click to call” links that automatically generate the business’s phone number on a user’s mobile device. Click-to-calls make it super easy for searchers to get in contact with a business in the least amount of time possible.

According to Google, click-to-call is such a popular ad format that Google generates 30 million calls every month as of right now. If your small business relies on getting the phone to ring for orders and inquiries, consider looking into click-to-call extensions in AdWords now.

One in Three Mobile Searches Have Local Intent (Versus 1 in 5 on Desktop)

Searches on mobile devices are 66% more likely to have local intent than a desktop search. Meaning people searching on mobile phones are usually looking for something around them. For example, directions to a business or a phone number to call.

Capitalize on strong local search intent by creating ads and landing pages that make it easier for searchers to call or find your business (see #4 below).

Commercial Intent is Significantly Stronger on Mobile

In a recent interview with Surojit Chatterjee, the head of global mobile search ads at Google, Chatterjee said:

The time between intent and action is shorter on mobile actions.

Since mobile searchers are often trying to find a quick answer to a present problem, they have stronger intent and are much closer to making a purchase than a desktop searcher. If a mobile user is searching for emergency road side car service, then the user is probably in need of service right away. A user executing the same search at home, in the evening, is probably in no rush.

So, depending on your business, mobile clicks may actually be more valuable than desktop clicks. Even though, historically, they’ve been cheaper.

Advertisers See a 6-8% Lift in CTR with Click-to-Call Extension

Click-to-call extensions are a tremendous benefit for both users and advertisers. Mobile users can get in contact with businesses quickly and easily, without writing down numbers or navigating cumbersome mobile sites.

Advertisers get better performing ads. Ads featuring the click-to-call extensions along with location extensions can see a 6-8% increase for click-through rates (which can subsequently raise your quality score, lower your costs and improve ad exposure).

Call Reporting Costs 100% Less Than it Used to

Okay, so I forced the “statistic” a little on this last one. But this is great news: Google recently began offering extensive call reporting free of charge. This granular call data was previously available for a fee of $1 per call. But Google has since decided to start providing this data for free.

Ultimately, the only mobile search statistic that matters is the ROI (return on investment) for your small business. New detailed call reports show advertisers the phone numbers of various calls to the business, how long the phone calls lasted and what time the calls occurred. It’s as simple as looking at a phone bill.

This data can help businesses decide what time of day is most valuable for enabling click-to-call extensions, when to have more staff available to answer phones, etc. Measuring the ROI from mobile search is easier than ever.

The Mobile Revolution

Everyone knows there’s a mobile revolution happening. Mobile search is expected to overtake desktop search in volume within the next year and mobile advertising is getting both easier and better.

The great news is that with Google’s recently released Enhanced Campaigns, developing a mobile search strategy for your small business is easier than ever.

Source: SmallBizTrends