Archive for Blog - page 5

5 Benefits of Well-Connected Workplace

  With festive season round the corner, suddenly, your social life must have become far more active. The shopping mania, the happy moments with friends and family must be rejuvenating you to work towards greater growth, is it not? Imagine similar energy levels within your…

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What is Ransomware?

With the newer technologies and innovation, cyber threats are also becoming more advanced. Recently a lot of reports are certainly enlightening digital world about these attacks. So, what exactly is this new cyber threat called Ransomware? Technically speaking, it is nothing new with respect to…

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3 Quick ways for making Outlook work more effectively for you – Part II

After our previous post, here is the how part for making Outlook do more for you. I. Create a folder On the Folder tab, in the New group, click New Folder. In the Name box, enter a name for the folder. In the Select where to…

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3 Quick ways of making Outlook work more effectively for you

We all are Outlook dependent day in and day out. We all love the simplicity of communication while having the ability to mark high priority mails, flagging a communication for later tracking and what not that Microsoft Outlook helps us to do. Yet, I am…

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Why Data Protection should be your Top Business Priority – Part II

As promised, here is the second part of the last week’s post. In our last post also, we had quoted how Yahoo’s data was compromised, you can read more about recent data breaches and cyber attacks here as well as here. We identified that the…

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